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Latest News
Hunter – a short pay-what-you-want SciFi tale
Hunter is a short pay-what-you-want Sci-Fi story set in a dark and desperate world, available in DRM-free .mobi format for Kindle, .epub for other eReaders, and .pdf format for printing.
The Day After and Other Stories – eBook
The Day After and Other Stories is a very short collection of very short stories.
Memories of the Future, Volume One (paperback)
I am beyond excited to announce the release of my newest book, Memories of the Future, Volume One.
This is the cover for Memories of the Future, Volume One
This is the cover of Memories of the Future, Volume One. Tell all your friends!
This is the Introduction to Memories of the Future, Volume One
When all your friends want to know what Memories of the Future is about (You have been relentlessly telling all of your friends about it several times a day, haven’t you? That MAME cabinet Daddy needs for his office isn’t going to buy itself, you know) you can point them to this post.
sunken treasure is revised for a second edition
There's a brand new layout of Sunken Treasure, which looks beautiful and has earned the Second Edition designation. A ton of readers have sent feedback about Sunken…… Read more “sunken treasure is revised for a second edition”
Criminal Minds Production Diary (audiobook)
I spent much of today recording and mixing an audio version of my Criminal Minds production diary. It's available as a DRM-free MP3 for just $5. The…… Read more “Criminal Minds Production Diary (audiobook)”
Sunken Treasure (Downloadable PDF version)
Note: I'm not going to bury the lede: If you have $5 and want a non-DRM PDF copy of Sunken Treasure, you can buy it here and…… Read more “Sunken Treasure (Downloadable PDF version)”
Sunken Treasure
Every year, before the summer convention season gets underway, I pull some excerpts from whatever I plan to release in the fall, take them to my local…… Read more “Sunken Treasure”