If you enjoy listening to me read you a story, and you enjoy the stories I write, I have something that may be relevant to your interests…
It’s one hour and forty minutes long, and is available for five bucks at my bandcamp thingy with no DRM because DRM sucks.
I just finished your article about your struggles with anxiety and depression. First….thank you so much for sharing!!!! I am overcome with understanding and relief and tears! Your strength to write this article will help many people and that include me! Continue to be strong and unashamed and I will to, thanks to you! God Bless you Will.
Just want to let you know, I’ve enjoyed watching your movies, and TNG and listening to you read books. I have been using audible. I wish they had more books read by you. I have them all. But now I found the source. You. Thanks a million for all your hard work.
I bought and watched The Curse tonight. My wife has never seen it.
Thank you!!1
I just had an opportunity to listen to Dead Trees give No Shelter and I hadn’t read any of your previous publications but I certainly will now. It was fast paced and the ending unexpected, I really appreciated this story. Looking forward to more!
Virginia Workman
(Old gal in rural Alberta)